These terms and conditions as well as mutual agreement are hereby entered into by and between MotorClub 500 or MC500 — a division of GeoCapital-1 (a duly registered business) , eCommerce Venture department — and all registrants, associates, members, subscribers, and/or enrolled participants concerned.
This agreement includes the business mechanics and relevant contents of the MC500 site — found specifically on
the Services and Opportunity Page. Thus, are all binding and inclusive accordingly.
I. Titles and Terminologies:The following position titles and/or terminologies being used conditionally and interchangeably in this
membership advocacy and services subscription site i.e. registrant, enrolled participants, subscriber,
club member, associate, club associate, club advocate, road safety advocate, advocate director, affiliate &
other similar or identical position titles related thereto — basically refer to a
freelance independent sales representative and/or independent contractor
as defined, implied and/or used accordingly under paragraphs IV, V and VI.
The only exemptions to most of these terms and conditions would be the Standard Club Members, who have their own set of terms and guidelines as non-sales representatives and as non-independent contractors in the business component of MC500 -- as defined on the STANDARD CLUB MEMBER page.
It should be clearly understood that by joining MotorClub 500, a registrant must voluntarily,
willfully, and/or conditionally agree to the following conditions, as:
A. A subscriber of services and/or products being offered on this site;
B. A member of the Club itself as a community of like-minded motorists with its road safety advocacy and practices;
C. A beneficiary of privileges, benevolent assistance, benefits and/or opportunities;
D. An independent freelance membership and subscription sales representative and/or independent contractor — where you have full control of your time, effort and resources in doing the advocacy and business opportunity components thereof.
Therefore, the terms, conditions, agreements, practices, operational and ethical standards, mechanics, and the like, only serve in the mutual interest of parties involved, and for organizational management purposes vis-a-vis copyright, intellectual property, stakeholders' rights, and compliance of related federal and state law requirements.
E. You voluntarily and willfully become a Road Safety Advocate or RSA,, as defined in this site — consistent with applicable state laws, traffic rules, and regulations.
F . You indemnify, release, and/or legally discharge MotorClub 500, its principal business GeoCapital-1, its management and staff; any business partner and/or stakeholders, from any form of damage or loss in the course of doing such voluntary road safety advocacy.
III. As a Registrant, Subscriber, and/or Enrolled Participant of MC500: This refers to those who have voluntarily signed up and/or subscribed to this eCommerce venture. Specifically, with the purchase of the MC500 Biz Software Package or MC5-BSP in the amount of USD299 — which is voluntarily renewable every year. It also refers to MC500's Associates and/or Members (of legal age or at least 18 years old) with the corresponding position title outlined under the Opportunity Page.
For security purposes and business interest thereof, MC500 management deserves the right and/or discretion to qualify or approve voluntary membership enrollment, as well as to filter out its membership community as deemed necessary.
Additionally, as independent contractor under IRS 1099 provision or equivalent to that IRS requirement and in the absence of an employee-employer relationship, registrant concerned has no right of ownership or control (whatsoever) of MC500, its parent business, subsidiaries and/or any ventures thereof. Thus, voluntary and entrepreneurial in nature — but with an assured benevolent assistance guarantee or benefit of up to $1000 towards the collision inconveniences, repair cost and/or deductible of any insured vehicle of the registrant concerned — as defined accordingly under this paragraph.
IV. Safety Advocacy Programs and Projects: Based on the discretion of MotorClub 500 management, part of the yearly membership subscription and sales revenue will be used conditionally — to fund legitimate programs and projects on road safety advocacy, which may include other related events and/or activities.
V. Services and Benefits Package: As outlined on the Services + Opportunity page, a registrant/club member is subscribing to the following (current and planned) services and entitlements being offered by MotorClub 500:
A. Guaranteed Club Member Assurance Program (CMAP): Up to $1000 towards the deductible and/or collision repair cost as defined under paragraph VII, and as a form of a benevolence fund, should the unexpected happen to a Club member for the inconveniences and/or any expenses as a result of a vehicular incident as defined under paragraph VII.
B. Monthly Empowerment and Motorists Orientation or MEMO: A Monthly 2-Hour Opportunity & Road Safety Forum Attendance or, Entitlement to facilitate and/or lead a forum/club meeting as an Independent Associate/Road Safety Advocate (a $30 value per month or $360 per year);
C. Classroom or Online Driver Safety (Refresher) Course of
up to $30 (once a year by reimbursement per receipt of a service provider —
to be forwarded as an attached file to via Club member's registered email with MC500.
D. Lockout Service: Up to $70 once a year by reimbursement per receipt of a service provider — to be forwarded as an attached file
via Club member's registered email with MC500.
E. Roadside Assistance/Services: A total of up to $150 once a year reimbursement claims/s per official receipt/s.
> Towing: |
Towing of any 4-wheel vehicle and motorcycles (within the capability of an assisting towing truck) to the desired drop off place i.e. gas station, car shop, parking garage or, home address thereof. |
> Tire: |
Tire Change Assistance and/or Towing to a Tire Shop. |
> Battery: |
Battery Jump Start and/or Replacement Assistance or, Towing to a Battery Shop. |
F. Windshield Replacement: Major and/or unsafe condition or damages: Up to
$300 once a year reimbursement claim per official receipt. This should come with
the "Before and After" condition of the windshield in clear photos.
G. Yearly Member Replicated Website Set Up, Back Office Software and Maintenance. A $95 value per year;
H. Admin and Business Support: Email, Chat, Call Center, Tele-Conference, Online Club Meeting/Forum. (whichever is necessary): $75 value per year;
I. 5 pieces of MC500's Decals/Stickers: A $20 per year. Aside from mailing out these stickers, this may also be forwarded or, be made available through other cost-effective means such through Club members group gatherings and/or business meetings.
a. 1 | MC500's The 3-Way Test of a Good Driver |
b. 1 | MC500 Core Values of a Road Safety Advocate |
c. 1 | MC500's MC500's Vision and Mission Statement |
d. 1 | MC500's MC500 rectangular shape decal |
e. 1 | MC500 square shape sticker |
J. Other Future Services, benefits, privileges and/or support initiatives for club members/associates without additional cost or charges thereof -- setting aside any increase in the yearly membership fee if necessary and with prior notice.
VI. Sales & Marketing Activities: Participation in the "Business Component" of MC500 i.e Sales & Marketing of the MC500 Biz Software Package or MC5-BSP is voluntary in nature — though it is part of the purchase package of becoming a member/associate.
Thus, a Club member or associate concerned is always entitled to all other components of the business software package — even if said member/associate choose not to participate in the Sales & Marketing of said Biz Software Package. At any rate, participation in the sales and marketing activity can always be availed of or be activated by following the terms and mechanics accordingly.
VII. Deductible and Collision Repair Cost Benevolence Assurance Benefit: This program is under the MC500's Club Member Assurance Program or CMAP. As a Club member, you are entitled to financial benevolence assistance of up to $1000 — towards your deductible and/or collision repair cost in any given year of your membership. This once-a-year benefit claim is applicable for any vehicle registered and insured under your name -- that you have personally driven in a given collision incident.
Additionally, the generic or general term "assurance" is also being used to refer to the [benevolent] assurance and/or guarantee that a club member/subscriber is entitled to as defined below.
Benevolence guarantee or entitlement to the Club Member Assurance Program (CMAP) of up to $1000, requires that each club member has to make at least three (3) direct membership subscription sales per year of registration/membership. Such first three (3) direct or personal referrals to will automatically be credited as part of the member's direct referral commission -- as illustrated on the Services and Opportunity page of the website.
The aforesaid requirement is intended so for the following reasons, win-win propositions, and in reference to paragraph VII-E. on disclaimer statement thereof:
A. To rid of the idea that CMAP is a form of insurance coverage being offered through the MotorClub 500 site. Thus, this member assistance program is basically a form of benevolent assistance and incentive — together with the opportunity and benefits package being purchased and subscribed to accordingly.
B. To support and promote the advocacy agenda of MotorClub 500 in an expeditious manner -- to create a "synergy of action" among club members/associates as Road Safety Advocates or RSAs.
C. Not-At-Fault collision incident that may not qualify entitlement to the CMAP claim:: When the other party or motorist does not have vehicle policy or is underinsured (UIM), but has assumed the cost of damages thereof. Should there be a problem in the settlement of damages incurred, appropriate legal action such as at the Small Claims Court, may be considered by the Club member concerned. In a hit-and-run case, a qualified Club member is entitled to the CMAP benevolent fund accordingly -- on top of their policy claim benefit with an insurer.
This CMAP claim excludes damages caused by nature as well as man-made vandalism or abuse, among other cases not related to a collision incident with other motorists, as well as other vehicle-related incidents not specified under these terms and conditions.
Additionally, vehicular collision incidents involving a Club member performing a work-related task or otherwise on active duty with an app -- such as doing a rideshare or delivery job, whether they are at fault or not, will prevent them from having an entitlement to the Club Membership Assistance Program (CMAP). This is a preventive measure so that there will be no conflict of interest between MC500 and the entity a Club member works for.
D. Procedure To Claim the $1000 [Benevolent] Assurance or the CMAP: A formal estimate from an established car body
shop or duly recognized or approved by MC500, will serve as proof for collision claims. A copy of the estimate should be submitted or sent
to the Benefits Claim & Documentation email A copy of a police report may also be required when it is deemed necessary, or a duly notarized "Affidavit of Vehicular
Collision". This includes proof of ( at-fault) insurance claims, should a club member concerned choose or need to use his
insurance policy with a deductible in it.
CMAP benevolence fund assistance shall be released within 14 business working days after submission of the required proof,
estimate, and verification needed. This includes photos of the damaged side/s of the vehicle in reference to paragraph XXIII -- as proof of
both "Before and After" a collision incident.
Any "Fraudulent Act" will be dealt with accordingly, which includes "permanent membership
disqualification" and forfeiture of benefits and privileges, among others.
E. Disclaimer: The deductible and collision repair cost assurance under CMAP is basically a form of a club member benevolence funding assistance program -- and not a form or type of vehicle insurance coverage. This benefit under MC500's Club Member Assurance Program or CMAP is part of the Biz Software Package being sold to any interested parties and/or MC500's Club members/associates respectively.
VIII. Membership and Subscription/Sales: When you present the services, opportunity, and advocacy component of MotorClub 500 to a prospective client/member, there are basically three transactions that would take place in the process:
A. Your friend or contact person becomes a club member and a road safety advocate as defined under the terms, conditions, and disclaimer pages/paragraphs.
B. He/she becomes a subscriber of MotorClub 500's advocacy and opportunity software/program which includes a replicated website after registration. To avail of or fully participate in the opportunity program is voluntary.
C. A sales transaction per se or by itself — as a result of the above business transactions. This is basically why we use the term Residual
Sales Volume Credit/s or RSVC, for every membership & subscription completed — in an All-In-One Benefits Package found on
the Services + Opportunity page.
This include services, products, and other member assistance entitlements/benefits as defined thereof.
IX. Sales Incentives, Residual Commissions: Access to
individual "Real-Time Back Office or Dashboard" of each participant/registrant provides complete transparency in reference to sales incentives,
residual commissions and/or payout schedule. "Payout" of incentives and commissions will be on a month-to-month basis in form of
"Online Fund Transfer, ACH or Electronic Check" . This is in line with the reduction policy on the use of paper as environmentally responsible
business and for security purposes as its primary concern. Other convenient and secured method of paying commissions and incentives will be
utilized when it is deemed necessary.
X Payout Schedule: Payout cut off is every 30th day of the
month: except the month of February — where payout falls on whatever the last day of said month be i.e. 28th or 29th. Thus, payout
(checks or fund transfer as defined) should be received within the first week of each month, no later than the second week of each month.
Associates/members must have an "Active Status" in order to continually receive any residual income or commissions
accumulated over time, based on the Sales Volume system.
XI. Transfer of Income Beneficiary: In case of inability
or absence of participant concerned, and in the absence of a "Will" and any form of document or record — as to who would be the beneficiary
or beneficiaries of any incoming or future income; the closest relative and/or person of legal age directly related to participant concerned,
will be determined and/or resolved by the MC500 management accordingly. Or, by State law, it will be transferred to
the Federal State of your residence under its Unclaimed Property department if a state provision requires so.
XII. Income Tax: It is the sole responsibility
of MC500 associates/members to comply with any tax duties and/or disclosure of income sources for taxation
purposes. As such, all parties concerned must be responsible in complying with the IRS provisions and guidelines, or any tax law concerned
in a given State of residence. In the U.S., IRS Form 1099-MISC (Miscellaneous Income) or the 1099-NEC (Non-employee Compensation) will be the appropriate
filing and processing form for this type of income source or revenue -- only if you earned at least $600 in a given fiscal or taxation year.
The MC500 if so
required by the IRS will also report and/or facilitate such taxable income with an appropriate IRS form. As a reminder, the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) makes updates to common tax
provisions for various reasons.
Note: The USA PATRIOT Act Act is a Federal Law that requires all financial institutions,
as well as other types of organizations, to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who receives payment — both for
security and income taxation purposes. Additional proof of identification may be required thereof.
XIII. Presentation of the Business and Advocacy Agenda:
Members and Associates should always observe proper conduct and proper representation of the MC500 business model,
its rules, best practices, terms, and conditions. Conduct of business and group meetings pertaining to MC500
should be based on the information found in the website, as well as the prevailing business practices and protocol approved by
the MC500 management.
XIV. Advertising, Marketing, Promotional Materials, Brochures, and
Business Cards: Customized, self-ordered/self-made business materials and/or tools should only contain the MC500
name, official logos, business slogan, URL or website name, text content in the mastheads, and contact information of the associate concerned.
Additionally, MC500's official colors in all these materials should be used identically and accordingly. Associate
concerned can exclude some of this information, but additional information is not allowed as part of MC500's policy
and conduct of doing business. Thus, inquiry or consultation regarding this subject matter is absolutely encouraged. Additionally,
Too Good To Be True, exaggerated, and/or inaccurate statements are not allowed, and in reference to
paragraph XV.
At any rate and for convenience, official format and contents of these marketing materials (if necessary) will eventually be made available
through various forms and software.
XV. Misrepresentation, Deceptive Acts, and/or Exaggerated
Statements or Advertising of MC500's Business Opportunities, the Biz Software Package, Compensation, and Profile: This
is absolutely prohibited and will be dealt with accordingly. The same is true when conducting/sponsoring or hosting a group presentation, business
meetings, as well as person-to-person business presentations.
XVI. Club Member/Associate Replicated Website: For a more professional,
personalized URL, and convenient way of presenting MC500's business and advocacy, a replicated website will automatically be generated
right after registration as part of the Biz Software package. Example:
XVII. Lost Checks and/or Unpaid Incentives and Commissions:
Any unpaid payout and/or lost checks should be reported as soon as possible to MC500's processing office. In the case of a hard copy paper check,
a "notarized affidavit" pertaining to a "lost check" must be completed and sent to the MotorClub 500 mailing office
or via email by the member concerned -- using the member's registered email. On the other hand,
any unpaid incentives and/or commissions will be resolved as soon as a report has been received — based on the records
of MC500. Checks or unpaid payouts may be considered lost or missing when not received at least
two (2) weeks from the payout cut off date.
XVIII. Club Membership Advocacy Cooperation: That, as a
Club member, you will be cooperative in supporting MC500's advocacy in making the roads safe and friendly to
all motorists and pedestrians alike. This is consistent with the State law. Thus, any report or observation of misconduct and/or irresponsible
driving such as recklessness, aggressive behavior, driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, risky multi-tasking while driving,
road rage/illegal drag racing, road vandalism, numerous at-fault driving cases, or repetitive violation of state laws, will be dealt with
accordingly -- which may entail Club membership disqualification.
XIX. Legal Indemnification and Settlement of Disputes:
Registrants or participants concerned agree to indemnify MC500's, its parent business, management, and stakeholders concerned from any legal
issues and action. In aid of the legal and judicial system, MC500 subscribes to the virtue of amicable settlement —
should there be any issues of significant importance. On the other hand, gross negligence, intentional violation of business rules and
conduct, and/or fraudulent acts on part of the registrant concerned will be dealt with accordingly -- not limited to appropriate legal action.
Registrants also agree to indemnify MC500 site management,
its parent company, subsidiaries, and staff from any harm, legal liability, and/or obligation, should this eCommerce site encounter any technical
problems, cease to operate temporarily or permanently due to any unexpected circumstances, inability of the software service provider, or any
cause beyond the site management's ability to handle or operate its business accordingly. This may include rare cases of identity theft and/or
stolen personal account information.
Any problem with the referral or networking software — where nothing can be done to retrieve the number of sales volume referrals and other
pertinent information, members have to start all over again. Thus, should there be any technical problems, Club members should be supportive
in handling such issues in fairness to all concerned.
XX. Computer Program/Software & Business Intellectual
Rights: The customized computer program and/or modified software being utilized in this website, along with the logos,
business decals/stickers, trademarks, icons, slogan, and business model — which was originally conceptualized by the eCommerce site
management/owner, materialized through the expertise and services of a third party website and software provider, are protected by the governing
laws and claims on Copyright Protection—set forth by the Copyright Office, Washington DC 20559-6000 USA.
XXI. Refund Policy: Due to the nature and cost involved
in setting up
the account of each registrant/client concerned, a 3-day cancellation and/or refund policy is rightfully and justifiably maintained in this business transaction.
It should be noted however that, there are actually no Federal laws that require businesses to provide refunds especially on online purchases if there is no
valid reason for such refund request.
XXII. Disclaimer: In good faith and by common knowledge,
as well as based on the business study conducted for MC500, potential income can only be realized with the
corresponding effort given, as well as the ability of the participant concerned to do their part accordingly.
Hence, it is the "Direct Sales and Residual Sales Volume Credits or RSVC", that builds
potential income over a period of time. Thus, in the absence of active participation and the ability required to do this eCommerce
business model, said potential income may not be possible. Therefore, may it be by its substance, nature, intended purpose for a cause,
and/or as a business model, MC500 is not a "Pyramid [Ponzi] Scheme" (in its illegal and deceptive sense) that would eventually collapse by
itself and/or leave participants being taken advantage of further down-the-line.
MC500 subscribes to the legal provisions/guidelines on Multilevel Marketing Plans being implemented by
the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)-- for the protection of America's consumers.
XXIII. Good Faith Disclosure: That in reference to the above paragraph i.e.
VII-D and photos required below, you would voluntarily and/or willingly cooperate in the disclosure of the actual
and/or present body condition of your vehicle — in the process of your membership registration and/or renewal thereof.
That vehicle photos will be part of the requirements in availing and/or granting of the CMAP benefit on road collision incidents.
That individual "clear and close up" photos of your vehicle/s showing the ELEVEN (11) sides must be taken accordingly as described
below. The photos must be stored/saved on member's end such as in their image files or photo storage for "Before and After" claims purposes. Additionally, any body
repair done without availing of the "Before and After claim", is assumed to be of the same quality as the originally stored photos of the vehicle's body parts.
XXIV. Business Partnership, Contracting, Networking, Merger,
and Joint Ventures: : Any act of a club member/s that involves formal and/or binded by written or non-written contracts pertaining
to the subject of paragraph XXIV shall be duly consulted with the MotorClub 500
management — which has the sole discretion of giving consent and/or approval thereof.
XXV. Ideas, Suggestions, and Contributions for Improvement:
Solicited or otherwise, inputs for improvement of the business may be acknowledged and/or commended accordingly based on their economic and/or
moral values — and shall become part of the intellectual property rights of MotorClub 500 and
its principal business, Geocapital-1. A discretionary incentive based on the value of an idea, suggestion, and/or impact of contribution,
will be awarded accordingly.
XXVI. Terms, Conditions and Site Content Changes: Terms and
Conditions are subject to change with prior notice, should there be any necessary changes to be made. For any changes in the content of this
eCommerce site, you are hereby encouraged to periodically check for any changes thereof.
These may include any changes in the services, entitlements, benefits, and privileges being (or currently) offered and the corresponding
terms thereof. MotorClub 500/GeoCapital-1 reserves the right to effectuate such changes deemed to be necessary
with prior notice.
Furthermore, the MotorClub 500/GeoCapital-1 management has the option to enter into other forms of agreement,
which includes a non-disclosure agreement or NDA, with any other parties or entities in doing its business -- right from its planning phase,
launching stage and onward.
XXVII. Acknowledgement: In the process of Club membership
registration, you must acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the Terms, Conditions and Mechanics in doing business
with MotorClub 500 and GeoCapital-1 respectively.
Rule on Exclusion of Services, Benefits and Entitlements:
Anything that has not been mentioned in these Terms and Conditions will solely be based on management discretion and/or prerogative.