Services and Opportunity Banner

Yes, with MC500 your policy deductible or vehicle repair cost of up to $1000 — will always be taken care of as a Club member together with other benefits as well. That said, there's always a room for you to be financially rewarded — may it be through your policy premium savings, collision and deductible assistance program, Biz Software Affiliate program, current & future Club-based urgent services or assistance.

Now, you can finally say: "Real Benefits & Opportunity for Ordinary People has Finally Come".

How it Works
Sales & Affiliate Program with Real Benefits

#1.   Check out the MC500 Biz Software Affiliate Package for a Value-Added Investment of Only $299 per year!
This includes purchase and subscription of all these Start-Up Tools & Benefits Package: A $2100 Plus Value per Year!

Member Replicated Website Set Up & Back office software and Maintenance - $95 Value per year of subscription

Admin & Business Support re: Email, Chat, Call Center, Tele-Conference, Club Meeting/Forum - A $75 Value per year

Guaranteed Club Member Assurance Program or CMAP of up to $1000 - in aid to your Policy Deductible, Collision Repair Cost and/or as a Charity or Humanitarian Aid in regard to vehicular incidents and inconveniences.

Monthly 2-Hour Opportunity & Road Safety Forum - Attendance or Entitlement to facilitate and/or lead a forum/club meeting as Independent Associate and/or Road Safety Advocate - $30 per month Value x 12 months = $360 per year

Classroom or Online Driver Safety (Refresher) Course -- Up to $30 Value - (once a year by reimbursement per receipt or certificate of completion)

L ockout Service of up to $70 (once a year by reimbursement per receipt)

Roadside Assistance/Services: Up to $150 once a year reimbursement claims/s per official receipt/s.


Towing of any 4-wheel vehicle and Motorcycles (within the capability of an assisting towing truck) to the desired drop off place i.e. gas station, car shop, parking garage or, home address thereof.


Tire Change Assistance and/or Towing to a Tire Shop


Battery Jump Start and/or Replacement Assistance or, Towing to a Battery Shop

M C500's various sizes & shapes of Decals/Stickers = 5 pieces -- a $20 Value

1 The 3-Way Test of a Good Driver
1 Core Values of a Road Safety Advocate
1 MC500's Vision and Mission Statement
1 Official rectangular logo of MC500
1 Square logo of MC500

W indshield Replacement: Major and/or unsafe condition or damages: Up to $300 once a year reimbursement claim per official receipt. This should come with the "Before and After" condition of the windshield in clear photos. Note: "Before photos" refers to the ones on file i.e. submitted to during the registration process.

O ther future benefits, privileges, services and/or support initiatives for club members/associates, such as:

Engine Troubleshooting/Diagnosis
Other Related Services and Programs
Road Safety Advocate Rewards/Incentives

#2.    Y ou get 20% sales incentives on every direct sale of MC500 Biz Software & Services Package you make. You can do as many Direct Sales as you want, to speed up your Residual Sales Volume Credits or RSVC.

#3.    A Much Better Deal

You get 3% on the 2nd level of your club network's indirect residual sales volume.

2% on the 3rd level, 1% on the 4th & 5th levels of your club network's indirect Residual Sales Volume Credits or RSVC. But no limit as to the width, or direct sales you can make as explained earlier in #2.

Smart Discusion Banner
Hand icon  A Simple Illustration

Unlimited Direct Sales Horizontally
@ 20% Credit per Sale of the $299
Icon of man
Unlimited Direct Sales Horizontally
@ 20% Credit per Sale of the $299

Arrow Down

Gift Icon

Residual Sales Volume Credits (RSVC)
With Exponential Sales Growth

Graph icon

From 1st to the 5th Level
With the Corresponding Percentage of 20-3-2-1-1 (%) of Direct & Indirect Sales Volume

Arrow Down

To the 5th Level/Deep

Multiple Chain of Graph icon     Sales Volume Credits

Based on the Residual Sales Volume Credits or RSVC
With the Continuing Yearly Purchase/Subscription of the $299 Biz Software & Services Package

Means = Extraordinary Benefits & Opportunity for Ordinary People

[See Terms for Details]

You have all the freedom to reward yourself with the following positions — based on the Sales Volume of the Biz Software Package you actually sold to individual participating Club members or associates.

All you need to do is keep track of your Sales Volume represented by your chain or network of Biz Software Subscribers/Affiliates in your "Real-Time Back Office Solutions", and reward yourself with the following positions you are entitled to accordingly.

On the other hand, those who opted not to avail of or join the Sales Team Activity, would just remain as a Club Associate or members. with the corresponding benefits/privileges they are entitled to.

Position Classification
+   Star Ranking
Box icons
Biz Software
Sales Volume Credit

It should be noted that eventually, it is the multiplier effect of the Sales Volume of your chain or network of Biz Software Subscribers/Affiliates, that makes it fast and easy for you to get promoted in each position level.

Note: Sales Volume Incentives and Commissions schemes, Payout schedule as well as Position Titles may be changed with or without prior notice — all for the benefit of both the Biz Software Subscribers/Affiliates and Motor Club 500.