Privacy Banner

As a socially responsible business entity, Motor Club 500 understands well the importance of individual and corporate privacy. Thus, we understand well as to what personal and/or private information we should ask from both subscribers and registrants of this eCom site—in a given context, how we use it, and much more, how to protect users privacy.

Aside from technology-based safety measures we do such as encryption to protect data transmissions, secure sockets Layer (SSL), authentication and other applicable industry-standard safety net, we commit not to share private information to any third party in whatever way. Even our web technology service provider, online merchant and bank have all the same privacy policy and integrity in doing business as ours.

Finally, under our referral program, registrants/participants have limited information as to the personal profile/data of their respective chain of referrals. Thus, only lD numbers, state, province, city and/or country of origin are to be disclosed in the participating member's "Back Office Sales Activity" for statistics purposes and transparency.

This is how we conduct business responsibly with integrity as part of our best practices.